Epilepsia. 2021 Sep;62(9):2228-2239
Trial and study design: Long-term open-label extension trial
Sample size: N= 368
Dosage and duration: Cannabidiol 100 mg/ml oral solution), titrated to a target maintenance dose of 20 mg/kg/day over 2 weeks. Based on response and tolerability, CBD could then be reduced or increased up to 30 mg/kg/day. Median and mean treatment duration were 1090 and 826 days.
- Median percent reductions from baseline ranged 48%– 71% for drop seizures and 48%– 68% for total seizures through 156 weeks
Safety and side effects:
- AEs were convulsion (39%), diarrhoea (38%), pyrexia (34%), and somnolence (29%). Fifty- five (15%) patients experienced liver transaminase elevations more than three times the upper limit of normal.
- Sustained reductions in drop and total seizures were observed up to 156 weeks, with 87% or more of patients/caregivers reporting an improvement in overall condition throughout.